What I Am Learning – Dale Hubbert

Generated Transcript:

it’s always a joy to be able to

open the Word of God from that word be

able to appreciate things that make our

lives better focus in recent days is

very easy to figure out the coronavirus

has people concerned all over the world

what it offers is many many things and

many opportunities one of those that

offers is for us to be able to learn I

want to share for just a few moments

some things that I am learning through

this process Jesus teaches us that we

ought to be good learners he says come

and learn of me Jesus talked about

learning himself he said that he learned

through patience and through struggling

he learned obedience through difficulty

and so I want to share some things with

us that I’m learning that I hope will be

helpful for you you may be learning

these things as well I’m learning

through this process number one that

patience is a virtue we live in a time

and in an era in a civilization that

there’s not a lot of emphasis on

patience because we want everything and

mostly we have everything that we want

and we have it quickly from the

microwave to the drive-through to the

compact to whatever we don’t usually

have to wait very long and if we do you

may be like me and not be a very good

waiter in that sense the Word of God in

Luke chapter 21 it was Jesus that said

in your patience possess or win your

souls in Romans chapter 8 verse 25 we’re

reminded we wait with patience it’s one

of the virtues that Peter talks about in

second Peter chapter 1 when he talks

about the Christian Grace’s as we often

call them he said

faith virtue and knowledge and

temperance and self-control and patience

what does patience really mean and how

do we learn patience patience often is

receiving what me we may warn or desire

or even need at a pace that may be

slower I need to be patient with other

people I need to be patient when

expecting what God has promised to give

sometimes we just need to be patient

with ourself and the person that we get

the most frustrated or impatient with is

ourselves patience truly is a virtue

it’s a Christian grace and the things as

they transpire around us give us an

opportunity to learn more about patience

secondly I’m learning to trust more in

God to trust more in God because we talk

about trust and we talk about faith but

we often have so much and we see so much

and we’re reminded that we walk by faith

and not by sight that when things are

different when things are uncertain when

we don’t exactly know what the next

thing the next step the next process is

going to be we’ve become a little bit

fearful we forget can begin to wonder we

can begin doubt you remember when Jesus

was walking on the water he told Peter

he said come on out because Peter said

Lord I want to come to you and and Peter

began to walk then he looked at the

waves and the wind and as he took his

eyes off Jesus his trust his faith began

to waver he began to sing he said Lord

save me the consistency of God is

amazing but sometimes when we think

about the circumstances rather than

trusting in God we can lose some of that


we can lose some of that trust and times

like these give us an opportunity to

trust Paul said in first Timothy chapter

4 we labor and we suffer now we don’t

mind so much the working part for the

Lord but we don’t really like the

suffering but he said we do that because

we trust in the Living God what is God

promised that the coronavirus is

challenging not a single thing what is

God told us that he is doing and will do

for us that the krona virus can take

away and the answer obviously is nothing

in first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 17

charged those that are rich in this

world that they be not high-minded nor

trust in uncertain riches but in the

Living God that offers us richly all

things to joy if we’re not careful we

can let our trusts lie we can let our

trust lose its focus and we may begin to

focus on our jobs we may begin to trust

in our jobs or in our wealth or in the

stock market or in our health or in the

economy or in recreation or in other

things that they’re just always going to

be and then we’ll change this take place

some of those things are removed some of

those things are in doubt where’s our

trust at I’m learning to trust more in

God because his promises are all true

and he’s always faithful in proverbs

chapter 3 in verses 5 and 6 we’re

encouraged at martyrs challenged by

solid trust in the Lord or trust in

Jehovah with all your heart and lean not

on your own understanding acknowledge

him in all your ways and he’ll direct

your path he did just say trust him with

a sun-shining

trusting when there’s no national

emergency trusting when the states are

not shutting down

he said trusting him with all your heart

and lean not on your own

understand I’m learning to trust God

more I’m learning that God is superior

God is over God is in control of all

things I need to be less self-sufficient

and more God sufficient thirdly I think

about things that I can learn and I am

learning through this process of

difficulty to some degree certainly the

uncertainty of it I’m learning to be

more thankful we all could recognize we

all could agree it’s easy to take things

for granted it’s easy just to soon

assume that what has been is and will be

and I don’t know a person that could

probably say I I’m too thankful I’m too

grateful I suppose all of us could say I

could be more grateful and I could be

more thankful thankful for the little

things thankful for things such as just

the Sun rising in the morning and we

rising in the morning and being able to

have life and breath and health and

whatever other things God has blessed us

with it was to the church at Colossae

Paul said in Colossians chapter 3 let

the peace of God rule in your heart –

which you’re called in one body and be

thankful I want to make a connection to

a couple things in that first the first

part he says allow the peace of God to

be the ruler of our heart and then later

on he says be thankful sometimes the

lack of Thanksgiving or the lack of

focus on being thankful may be the

result of lot not letting the peace of

God rule in our heart it’s hard to be

thankful when we’re worried isn’t it

it’s hard to be thankful when we’re

frustrated isn’t it it’s hard to be

thankful when we’re scared or concerned

overly about other things the psalmist

said in Psalm chapter 100 that we are to


gates of our God with Thanksgiving his

courts with praise and be thankful to


and bless his name James tells us that

every good and every perfect gift comes

from God that’s a reason to be thankful

Paul discussed on more than one occasion

the fact that he was thankful for his

trials and for his trouble and through

his tribulation job gave thanks for the

things that he suffered and that he went

through and so we can understand why the

scripture would tell us and everything

give thanks for the good that we have

for the challenges that we have for the

pain that we may suffer though that’s

much tougher so one of the things I

think about in this time of difficulty

in this time of distraction and

uncertainty is I’m hopefully learning to

be more thankful number four I’m

learning and/or being reminded that

worry does not does not help again and

again and again and again that fact has

been proven and never has it been

successfully refuted that worried this

hell so why do we do it why do we as

human beings worry Jesus somewhat

scolded his disciples in the sixth

chapter of the book of Matthew in about

verse 31 where where you ask why are you

anxious in other words why are you

worried you’re questioning what are we

gonna eat what are we gonna wear what

are we gonna drink and then he used some

really simple illustrations he said what

about the lilies of the field they they

don’t work they don’t spin yet Solomon

and all his glories not arrayed like one

of these he talked about the bird

to the air how the father cares for the

homeland why do we worry we might carry

worried back to one of the other things

that we’ve already talked about and

that’s learning to trust God more

worried well what will happen if this

happens what’s going to be the end

result of that sometimes people use this

phrase and I like the phrase God’s got

this but not only does God have this God

has everything the promises that he is


he’s always kept I’ll never leave you

I’ll never forsake you I’ll never let

you down I’ll never let you have a

temptation without a way of escape

Philippians chapter 4 and verse 6 says

don’t worry that’s kind of a more modern

interpretation but but he says don’t be

anxious about anything I can’t put

anything on the worry list and please

God he didn’t say don’t be anxious

except about those really really serious

viruses that come through he said don’t

be anxious about anything that’s a broad

spectrum and yet he says but in

everything by prayer supplication with

Thanksgiving there’s our word again let

your requests be made known to God so

what’s the cure for worry when we start

worried when I’m learning not to worry

where do I need to carry my falls I need

to carry them to prayer I need to carry

them to supplication I need to carry

them to Thanksgiving and I need to carry

them to God what have you ever asked God

that was good yes you know he tells us

to ask can I ask according to his will

that God ultimately did give what’s best

for you now I didn’t say that he gave it

to you or he gave it to me remember how

Paul one time asked God three times he

said three times I won’t have the thorn

in my flesh to be

removed I didn’t remove the thorn but he

did give him something better he said my

grace is sufficient for you sometimes

what we ask is what we don’t necessarily

need sometimes our worry is misguided

because God has a purpose in what’s

going on can you imagine what the good

could be through this virus issue if

people return to focus away from how

many people are going to contract it how

many jobs you’re going to be lost how

many businesses are going under how many

people are going to die if people turn

the focus away from that to the focus of

seeing the virus of sin and how that the

precious blood of Jesus Christ cures

every person that desires to be cured

from seeing what if you could get that

message out today we have a solution for

every person it will 100% cure every

person that has a coronavirus guaranteed

by every person that ever contracted

that with any sense of mine would say

give me that cure sins far worse than

the coronavirus and there is a 100% cure

what if we turn worried and to focus on

the solution the medicine the blood of

Jesus Christ that cures the sin virus

I’m learning number five but there’s a

lot of a bandwidth in perception you may

not have heard that term a lot I don’t

know that I’ve ever used that term

before but with a lot of different

options and situations everything from

how we assemble or how we worship God

people have different ideas and people

have different opinions and and the

things that I’m learning from that are

this there may be more than one way to

do something and sometimes because we’ve

traditionally done things in a certain

way we may without even

make that tradition higher than what God

said we may close our minds to other

things that would be just as acceptable

and pleasing to God Jesus talked about

those in his days that had elevated the

traditions of men above the will of God

I think about Matthew chapter 7 and I

think about how Jesus says judge not

that you be not judged I realize there’s

a lot of misuse and misinterpretation of

that and some people take it to an

extreme that Jesus didn’t intend it to

go and said well it just means nobody

can judge anybody that’s not true if you

keep reading he talks about where the

same judgment we judge will receive

judgment but he was talking about using

the golden rule I think about Romans

chapter 14 and it’s a great study and we

don’t have time for that study today but

he talks about different matters of

judgment and he says be cautious

don’t say my way is the only way in the

only right way don’t condemn someone

just because their way may not be my way

what ultimately matters is is it

pleasing to God and I understand that

Jesus said he is the way and obviously

there’s no other way with Jesus I

realize there are some very specific

things that the Bible teaches us that

there is only one way and there is only

one process that it can be done but for

every one of those there are multitudes

of other things and other matters of

doing the will of God that have a broad

bandwidth the perception for example go

into all the world and preach the gospel

to every creature when they were limited

to what we preach it’s got to be the

gospel but it’s in of all the world

where’s all the world was next door it’s

across the street it’s in our town it’s

in our cities in our state but how do we

go and do that we have to go to another

country can we do it by a personal Bible

study can we do it by inviting someone

to take a Bible correspondence course

can we do it by encouraging someone in

another way can we do it by handing them

a book like muscle and shovel and say

here’s a great read to simply point out

one or some combination and say this is

the only right way and no other way can

be right it’s certainly in violation of

what God intended there many arenas that

God has given us judgment and God has

given us the opportunity to choose ways

that still are pleasing unto Him and so

I’m learning through this process that

there are some different ways of doing

things and different ideas and people

think more strongly or people think less

strongly about certain things I don’t

want to sit in that judgment seat if

it’s not in opposition to the will of

God I want to be patient with others and

I want others to be patient with me

number six I’m learning that love never

fails never fails that’s first

Corinthians chapter 13 and verse eight

where those words are found depending on

your translation it may say charity or

it may say love Paul beautifully

describes what true love is in that

chapter he talks about symbols and he

talks about speaking loudly and giving

in front of other people and and if we

do our things just to be seen of others

that’s no good we’ve gotten our reward

here that’s not what God’s after our

doing things so that others would praise

us but he talks about love being patient

and being kind and being long-suffering

and he gets to this point in this

section of the chapters we divide the

chapters and verses up where he has

talked about some spiritual some rock

the spiritual gifts that were limited to

that day in that time but he said love

never fails he talked about the

miraculous prophecies the miraculous

speaking in tongues the miraculous

things of that day but he said love

never fails

and that’s exactly true in 1st John

chapter 3 and verse 16 we know by this

john said the love of God because he

laid down his life for

us that’s a never-failing love he goes

on to say we ought to love each other we

ought to love the Brethren and have that

kind of love and whatever else may fail

whatever else may crash whatever else

may not go well in a virus time or

something else that we see as an

emergency or a crisis

love never fails I’m learning that to a

greater degree I hope you’re learning

that to a greater degree in the

surroundings don’t change love and

finally number seven I’m learning that

God is good all the time I don’t know

who originally coined that phrase my

friend mr Elam has said it many many

many times I don’t know that I’ve ever

been around

damar when he didn’t say that phrase but

God truly is good at all the time God’s

good when the economy is good God’s good

when the economy is bad God was good

during the Great Depression God was good

during the Asian flu plague God is good

during the krona virus God is always

good Psalm chapter 73 in verse one truly

God is good to Israel and he’s good to

us he’s good to you he’s good to me

and those circumstances may be different

around us and may be uncertain and maybe

causing issues and problems that hadn’t

changed the goodness of God whatsoever

Psalm chapter 84 and verse 11 says for

Jehovah God is our Sun and our shield

he will give grace and glory no good

thing will he withhold from those who

walk uprightly you and I are walking in

his path

no good thing is God going to keep back

from us God truly is good all the time

and all the time God’s good what are you

learning what are you learning through

this different time what are you

learning through this difficult and

uncertain time I’ve overall learning

good things I hope we’re all learning to

grow closer to God to be better servants

of God

and better servants of others thanks so

much for joining us for this

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