Keeping Focus

Generated Transcript:

good morning Church or good afternoon or

good evening or whatever time that you

are watching this particular broadcast

in a time of uncertainty and fear and

panic we as God’s people have good news

and I’m glad you can join us today

hopefully you can share this with other

people as they’re looking for good news

as well it’s really interesting what I’m

doing right now I’m thankful to the good

Lord for technology I remember the first

time I basically talked to no people it

was doing a radio program and it was

really strange I remember the first time

I recorded a sermon for gpn and looking

at nobody and it is really strange the

only person I’m looking at right now is

Caleb Dunaway and I want to thank him

because he and the Union Church of

Christ made it possible for us to record

this potentially going forward we will

livestream this but I’m thankful for

technology because with it you and I can

think about concentrate focus and study

upon things that God has given to us our

hearts and our minds and our souls can

be together and we can be uplifted by

the Word of God

panic greed fear uncertainty all of

those things make it very easy for us to

get distracted in these unusual

circumstances and in these unusual times

there’s a lot of focus right now there’s

a lot of focus on the fear upon panic

financial situation stock market

unemployment what are we going to do got

a message for you today a message from

God’s Word that I hope will be helpful

and the message is this let’s keep focus

let’s keep focus on the right place and

the right things and the right time it’s

in the book of Hebrews it’s chapter 12

after examining all of those great

heroes of faith Abraham and

and Noah and Joseph and all that chapter

12 begins this way therefore seeing that

we are accomplished about with so great

a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside

every weight and the sin that so easily

besets us verse 2 tells us this that

we’re to look to Jesus the author and

finisher of our faith and so that’s what

ohm is to think about today and

throughout this week I’m going to give

us seven things one for each day for us

to focus on I’m gonna tell you in


none of them are gonna be the

coronavirus I’m gonna tell you in

advance none of them are gonna be on the

stock market I’m gonna take an advance

none of them are gonna be on the

financial future of this country those

are all important things those are all

things getting a lot of teaching that’s

not what we’re going to talk about

let me help put the coronavirus into a

little perspective and before I say that

and before I do that let me say this is

very serious we need to use wisdom and

we need to use good judgment and we need

to care about each other and care about

God care about our society but currently

in the world they’re about 305 cases of

this COV ID there have been at this

point about 13,000 ads and it’s

Christian people that’s obviously a

concern because that means 13,000 people

have gone to stand before judgment in

the condition they’re in I don’t know

how many of those were saved I don’t

know how many were lost I don’t know how

many were children or people that were

mentally incompetent but I know that

there’s 13,000 people that will no

longer have opportunity to obey God

they’re about 10,000 people still in

serious condition around the world in

the United States are about 24,000 cases

that they have concerned confirmed so

far there’ll be more because we’re just

now really getting to the testing point

and testing more people there have been

about 300 individuals that have died

because of that and they’re about 600

cases that are still in very serious

condition but when we think about that


and broader sense in the United States

just this year alone from October

basically until now there have been 38

to 54 million that’s not thousands

that’s not that’s millions of cases of

the flu and they project that somewhere

between 28 and 59 thousand people will

die from the flu this season so in

relative terms the numbers in every

number matters but the numbers are far

smaller it’s just that this is different

we don’t have a vaccine and we’re not

sure how things work and we’re not as

prepared so what I mean by talking about

all those numbers

let’s keep praying let’s keep being wise

let’s keep being vigil let’s take care

of ourselves and let’s be compassionate

and let’s be concerned about other

people as well so let’s talk about focus

focus number one for this week you can

use this for today for Sunday if you’re

watching this today focus number one is

to focus on Jesus that’s our message in

Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 2 looking

unto Jesus we think about all the things

are unstable in life and there are so

many unstable in life if you take the

coronavirus completely out of the

picture there are a lot of unstable

things in life we live in a very

unstable world about a lot of things but

who is what is stable

I love the verse that says Jesus Christ

the same today yesterday and forever we

need to focus on the Savior we need to

focus on Jesus we need to focus on

following in the footsteps of Jesus

Peter tells us that Jesus left us the

example that we should follow in his

steps we should focus upon Jesus and his

relationship with God he said he and the

father were one we need to focus on

Jesus and the way that he was concerned

about the Lost Luke tells us that the

Son of man came to seek and to save the


we need to focus on Jesus in the way

that he was kind

and compassionate to all people one of

the things that I like to do is I like

to use something put out by the G

consistent you called his life talking

about the life of Jesus in this past

week the focus on those messages of the

life of Jesus was about his care for

those that we would consider

Untouchables or unlovable and we need to

focus on Jesus in that way and in that

sense we need to focus on Jesus because

Jesus said that he came not to do his

own will but the will of the father that

sent him ought to be focused on that

today I want to be focused on that this

week doing the will of the Father

so day one focus point one focus on

Jesus day two focused point two let’s

focus on what we can do versus what we

can’t do have the past few days brought

some limitations on some things that

we’re able to do absolutely but long

before the coronavirus and long after if

the world stands there will still be

things that we can’t do they’ll still be

limitations that we have and instead of

spending our time and our energy and our

thoughts and our meditation on what

we’re unable to do for this short period

of time

I want encourage us only encourage us to

focus on what we can do I think about

Paul in this situation I think about

Paul being imprisoned and being

imprisoned falsely being in prison

wrongly only thing that Paul did was the

follow Jesus endure try to do his will

but you know Paul could have taken this

attitude in prison he could have said

you know this is really really really

bad and I’m in a really bad situation

here and when I get out of this prison I

tell you what I’m gonna do I’m gonna do

a lot of good stuff for Jesus and I’m

gonna teach a lot of people

helped a lot of people and I’m gonna

shine my light Paul didn’t wait til he

got out of prison Paul wrote four of our

most treasured and favored epistles

while he was in prison

think about all the value of Ephesians

and Philippians and Colossians and

Philemon and then think about where he

wrote those things where he was and how

Paul focused on what he could do rather

than what he was limited from doing

habit he talked to the Romans when he

was in prison there and the guard

keepers and things of that nature

teaching him about Jesus he offered


think about Paul and Silas think about

them in that jail in Philippi

one of those letters that we talked

about was written to the Philippians but

think about how they were in prison only

again for doing good they could have be

easily said when we get out of here

we’re really gonna serve God we’re gonna

put the Lord first and foremost they

didn’t wait till they got out about

midnight Acts chapter 16 they were

praying and they were singing in an

earthquake came the prisoners were freed

from their shackles the man that was

attending the man that was the jail

keeper if if you may the jailer he wakes

up he sees this situation he’s about to

kill himself and Paul said don’t hurt

yourself we’re all here and the man

comes running to Paul and he has a

Leyden and he says sirs what must I do

to be saved and Paul and Silas teach him

and they teach his family and they

become Christians that very night think

about what might have happened to the

jailer if Paul and Silas hadn’t done

what they could do had they simply been

focused on what they were going to do at

some point

five down the road maybe you want to get

to see the paper after we finish this

morning and maybe you just want to jot

down some things maybe daily maybe in

somewhat summary form of things that you

can do this week I realize their social

distancing I realize there are other

things that are limiting us from places

and from people but I can promise you

you can easily fill up a notebook sheet

of paper with things that can be done

Day to focus too of what we want to

think about focusing on Jesus is doing

what we can do versus what we can’t do

focus three day three let’s focus on the

tools that we have in our disposal let’s

focus on the things even with social

distancing even with somewhat

self-quarantine II even with taking

precaution what are some tools that we

have that the coronavirus does not

affect in the least think about your

phone I don’t believe someone would

probably get this word out I don’t think

you could catch the coronavirus over the

phone and so that’s something that we

can continue to utilize I heard someone

saying I can’t prove it and wouldn’t try

I heard someone say that our phones now

are so sophisticated relatively speaking

that there is more capacity and

technology and an iPhone today than

there were in the computers that sent

the first rocket to the moon Wow

I don’t know about that for sure I don’t

know that that matters but I know this

with our phones we can call people we

can text people we can send messages to

people we can Facebook people there are

all kinds of things that we can do with

our phones and we can do them to the

good of the Lord into the glory of the


you can pass along the stream or the

recording of this video by use of your

phone we’ve got computers most people

have use computers and there’s a lot of

ways that we can use our computers

to the glory of God we can send Bible

correspondence courses we can send

messages through email we can sim copies

of different places different resources

different URL addresses so people can

know more about the Lord gospel

Broadcasting Network does a great job of

that as well and so we can still help

people we can encourage people by use of

our computers we can use our emails we

can use our text we can use the Internet

we can use Facebook if you’re a facebook

person you say well I’m not too big on

the computer stuff

what about cards what about noes do you

have any cards in your house do you have

any notebook paper what would it mean to

someone that’s going through difficulty

right now for you to just take a second

take a minute take five minutes and jot

down a note or a card they haven’t

stopped the mail you know that’s still

an opportunity for us to send things to

other people and let them know stop and

think about this for just a second if

you would what does it mean for you have

you ever received a card from someone

have you never received a note from

someone an encouraging note a note that

said I love you note that said I’m

praying for you a note or a card that

says I’m proud of you you see there yes

so what we cannot afford as God’s people

to be distracted we cannot afford as

God’s people to lose focus we can’t

afford as God’s people to lose focus on

what’s good because if we do we’re going

to miss opportunities that we never will

be able to gain back oh there may be

another opportunity on another day we

still have our vehicles we still have

our cars air places we can go and things

that we can do and I recognize and

appreciate the social distancing thing

but there are ways you can carry

groceries to people and leave them

outside on their porch there are other

things that can be done by use of our

vehicles you’re probably thinking

already ahead of me there’s really a lot

of things there are really a lot of

tools that we can be using we just need

to make sure we stay focused

number four day number four let’s focus

on our opportunities versus our

limitations opportunities versus our

limitations how do you pray do you ever

pray that God would lead you would lead

me to some person we sing it sometimes

lead me to some soul today do we pray

for opportunities were there

opportunities that are abounding in this

situation that we’re in now and it would

be so much wiser to focus on

opportunities than to moan and groan and

complain about the limitations the

opportunities for evangelism you can

still talk to people on the phone you

can still talk to people face-to-face

though our numbers have been prohibited

in large gatherings larger gatherings I

understand that I appreciate that I have

a friend that has the corona virus and

and I’ve seen some of the stuff that

he’s put out encouraging people to be

cautious but there are a lot of ways

that we could still be involved in

evangelism as we talked about the use of

our tools and opportunities what if you

made what if you made a decision this

week I’m going to call at least one

person this week and encourage them I’m

going to call at least one person this

week that’s not a Christian and tell

them that I love them and that care

about their soul and tell them that this

coronavirus is bad but it’s not nearly

as bad as sin and that there’s a cure

for sin the encouragement that we can

offer in so many different ways just

simply checking up on people how does it

make you feel if someone calls or texts

or emails or facebook or whatever and

just says hey thinking about you

checking on you is there something I can

do for you is there any way that I can

help encouragement goes a long long way

and there’s not a person regardless how

strong or how struggling they are in

their life they can’t

benefit from encouragement helping other

people as we think about this concept of

our opportunities versus our limitation

what can you do what can I do to help

people there are people that have needs

needs didn’t stop with the first

confirmation of someone with the

coronavirus as a matter of fact I

suppose that needs probably have ramped

ups so what can I do what can you do how

can we reach out and focus on our

opportunities not on our limitations

focus number five day number five let’s

focus on personal faith building it may

be that because of this situation that

we may have more available time young

people that are not in school maybe

adults that are not at work as they were

well what does this additional free time

offer us it offers us time for faith

building for personal faith building

what if we all make the decision this

week I’m going to spend an extra 30

minutes a day in Bible study I’m going

to spend an extra hour today in Bible

study I’m going to go to the computer

now I’m going to look at more stuff on

apologetics press for gospel

Broadcasting Network or Christian

courier or many of the other good things

that are out there what if you decided

this week I think what I’m going to do

is go to world video Bible School W VBS

and I’m going to sign up for an online

course somebody says all finances are

strapped right now maybe but you can

sign up at world video Bible School for

online courses for free let me assure

you that is my favorite price any day of

the week is free and so you may get

something started this week that would

really ramp up your faith and

ramp up your knowledge of the Word of

God and so if we think about personal

faith building doing more Bible study be

more diligent in that way maybe as we

think about our personal faith building

it’s more prayer time I’m going to spend

more time in prayer this week I have

more free time I have more available

time because of the circumstances that

we’re under I’m gonna pray long

I’m gonna pray more Dylan C Lane I’m

going to pray more focus I’m gonna maybe

for the first time ever write down a

literal on paper on purpose prayer list

and that prayer this is a prayer list

that I’m gonna pray day you for people

and I’m gonna be good about Thanksgiving

I’m going to say God and all this

turmoil and difficulty and fear panic

I’m thankful that you’re our God that

you take care of us and you never fail

us and you never leave us and you never

forsake us and so we have an opportunity

to build our faith by prayer by

meditation we don’t talk about

meditation a lot but the bible does it

talks about the psalmist speaks in

chapter 1 about the man that walks not

the count’s the ungodly stands not the

way of sinners nor sits in the seat of

the scornful but he said it’s in his law

God’s law that he meditates day and

night maybe you pull your favorite chair

up or your rocking chair get your

favorite spot and you just close your

eyes and you meditate or maybe you leave

your eyes open but you meditate and you

think about God’s Word you think about

God’s people you think about your own

life in ways that you can make it more

like the life of Jesus and and more like

the God that we serve as we think about

this personal faith building as we noted

we don’t want to focus on the can the

cakes but the cans personal services we

what can I do for someone what can i and

how can I help someone else this week so

many times in the New Testament people

like Jesus and people like Paul and

people like change refer to themselves

as servants I want to focus on being a

servant this week as I build up my

personal faith number 6 day number 6

focus number 6 focus on

those that are in need there are people

that had needs well before we ever heard

of the Crone virus there are people that

have needs now what’s the quran device

is a thing of the past there will still

be people that have needs maybe you want

to take that sheet of paper we were

using awhile ago and we want to write

down some names we want to put some

faces in our mind about people that have

needs they may be spiritual needs they

may be physical needs they may be

emotional needs but focusing on those

folks maybe there are some widows maybe

there are some widowers that are having

some difficulty right now maybe they

can’t get out and go to the grocery

store maybe they’re concerned about

getting out because they’re more at risk

if they were to catch this virus it

could potentially be far worse or fatal

for them what would it mean to them for

them to get a phone call to say hey this

is Dale this is your name just wanted to

let you know I’m going to the grocery

store what can I pick up for you so you

don’t have to get out of the house and

so you don’t have to get out of a

vehicle and get among people can I pick

you up something at the pharmacy do you

have some some dry cleaning what else

can can I do for you reaching out to

those that may be older and have some

physical limitations or just concerned

about the situation reaching out to

those that may be sick what can I pick

up for you can I go get some chicken

noodle soup you know chicken noodle soup

cures everything so can I go get you

some chicken noodle soup can I go get

you something how can I help what can I

do there’s so many ways that we can

still do things so many ways that we can

help and certainly people that are sick

we remember Jesus Matthew chapter 25

little things he said gets people into

heaven and I don’t think gets people

into heaven where you check the box but

he said I was sick and you came into

this to me

you can visit now without even getting

in and going to inside the house but by

carrying something things of that nature

making sure that people have what they

need those that may be advanced in years

there are some things that we may be

able to do for them and so there are

number of people that

in need people that need the gospel

maybe you call or maybe they’re friends

maybe they’re family and you call and

say you know these are kind of some

trouble sometimes they really are they

cause people think about a lot of things

one things that caused me to think about

that I’m going to happen what about you

are you on your way to heaven have you

been thinking about heaven what can I

help you do so that you would put

yourself in a position where if Jesus

came today or if the chromatin virus

became fatal to you that you could go

and be with the Lord

number seven day seven folks seven focus

on the Great Physician have a lot of

wonderful doctors and I’m thankful and I

pray for them during these times because

they are intentionally willingly

exposing themselves to the possibility

of catching this for the benefit of

helping other people out but Jesus is

often described and we’ve seen a song

sometimes about what we call the Great


you know Jesus did a lot of healing

while he was on the earth he healed

people that were blind that we’re laying

they couldn’t walk he couldn’t talk he

raised people from the dead people that

have blood issues they loved Jesus

because he could heal but that wasn’t

his major purpose Jesus major theme

wasn’t healing physically sick people

many other signs John says to Jesus in

the presence of his disciples but these

are written that you might believe and

believe he might have life through his

name John chapter 20 and so Jesus didn’t

help people get better physically just

so they could get better physically but

so they would believe on God and they

would have the opportunity to be healed

spiritually spiritually the healing of

the heart Matthew chapter 13 and verse

15 jesus said this people’s hearts wax

croaks their eyes they’ve closed their

ears the dough of hearing

he said lest at any time they should see

with their eyes hear with their ears

understand with their heart and be

converted and listen carefully and he

said and I will heal them this is the

spiritual healing that’s what we all

need is the spiritual healing and Jesus

is that great position maybe it causes

us maybe it causes us to look inwardly

to look inwardly at ourselves to see if

we need spiritual healing we’ve got the

doctors sometimes to find out what’s

wrong with us I currently have a mild

case of bronchitis I know that because

the doctor told me so but bronchitis is

not the worst thing that I have the

worst thing that I have the worst

disease that I have is one call singing

well I can get medicines and I can get

shots for bronchitis I can’t get any

medicine I can’t get any shots humanly

for sin that has to come through the

blood of Jesus Christ we need to focus

this week on the great physician and our

own lives and making sure our lives are

healed through the blood of Jesus Christ

in the lives of other people helping

people heal Jesus was the physician

helping people heal from life’s problems

do you know someone that’s going through

a divorce do you know someone that’s

dealing with a serious maybe a terminal

disease you know someone that’s grieving

because of that someone that’s going

through some other difficulty in life

what a great focus this week to be like

Jesus and reach out and help those

people to heal

number seven is focus on the Great

Physician all right we’ve got 7 days

worth of good things to focus on on

Jesus and what we can do versus what we

can’t do on the tools that we have

opportunities vs. limitations personal

faith building those in need and the

Great Physician

we’ve got a boatload of work to do this

week don’t we and I hope we look forward

to with energy and with vigor and

enthusiasm and our focus keeping our

hearts keeping our mind keeping our soul

fixed focused on Jesus because if we do

that if we’re that we’ll be making the

best of the circumstances we have before

us will please our God and we’ll help

other people

let’s close this session with a prayer

this morning our Holy Father we thank

you that in times of trouble difficulty

panic and fear you’re the God of all

grace all comfort all healing all power

and all salvation we thank you that we

could talk about you today to think

about you today and focus on you and

upon your son Jesus help this to be a

good week for us God blessed to be a

week that we’re not so caught up in the

other stuff but that we’re caught up in

you and we’re focused in you and we’re

doing good for you we thank you for

Jesus we thank you for his precious

blood that saves us from our sin and we

ask for the forgiveness of those sins as

we turn from them in Jesus name Amen

so good shirts to be with you this

morning even though it’s a little bit

different I look for this to be a rather

short term thing and and we’ll hopefully

soon be able to get back together well I

thank God so much for technology I hope

you have a great week and let’s keep

serving our Lord our God