
In the Bible it does not take long to find a passage where something bad has happened to inhabitant’s. To God’s green earth. Just a few chapters and Adam and Eve are foreclosed on at the garden of Eden,a paradise. Every need they had was fulfilled by God and they had a great life. However, they failed to live up to there agreement with God the mortgage holder. The old sly devil talked them into SIN by offering them an offer they could not refuse. And yes, God held true to the original deal and they were drove out of the garden of Eden. On their own to fend for themselves, we have no account of the devil lending them a hand to rebuild.

Think about this and tie it to today some way and covid or drugs or some SIN

We go a little further and the first murder account is revealed to us, why? Jealousy, greed, and yes more SIN. Yes, and then we’re through with the first chapter God has seen that his beautiful world has been tainted by what? SIN, and next comes the flood and destroys the world and every living soul except Noah and his family along with the animals Noah saved. To get the rest of the Story read the book yourself. Before we’re foreclosed on.