Is This A Wake-Up Call? – Dale Hubbert

Generated Transcript:

when things are different we tend to ask

questions specifically when they’re very

different or unlike anything we’ve known

before so during this time of the

coronavirus time of panic a time of fear

a time in which we’re doing things maybe

we’ve not done before

not doing things that we’re used to

doing there’s a question that has come

up more than once Cindy and I were

talking the other day about the

situation and just asked out loud

is this a wake-up call is God trying to

send us a message is God sending us a

message what do you make out of all this

now those may be questions you’ve had –

I know other folks have posed those

questions and I’ll go ahead and

disappoint you early I do not know all

of the answers to those questions but I

do think this I do think that our

circumstance as well as any circumstance

offers an opportunity it offers an

opportunity to know God and to know God

better and to take advantage if that’s a

good word of the situations that present

themselves before us so that we might

draw more close to God so that we might

draw more near to other Christians and

so that we might become better servants

of God and of our fellow man what about

this thing is it a wake-up call is this

Kovan 19 something that should cause us

to think differently to act differently

to make changes I began to think about

this situation and one that happened a

long long time

go far far away in a place called Egypt

and from your Old Testament study in

history you would recall the first few

chapters of the book of Exodus as being

a time in which God raised up a man he

prepared him for about forty years he

prepared Moses to lead God’s people out

of the land of Egypt and into the land

of Canaan now for God to do this and he

could have done it any way that he

wanted to for God to do this

he chose Moses and his brother Aaron and

they would go to the king or the Pharaoh

of the Egyptians and request that God’s

people be released

God knew Moses new era knew that Pharaoh

wasn’t going to do this and so God then

through Moses has ten plagues placed

upon those people in that land now let

me be really clear at the front of this

so no one misconstrues and says that the

coronavirus today is God’s equal to the

ten plagues in Egypt that’s not it these

are not apples to apples God did

intentionally God did purposefully

caused those plagues to come upon that

land and there are both his testimony of

that and there are some purposes for

that that God intentionally accomplished

and we’ll talk about that it’s my

personal conviction that God did not

send the coronavirus God allows things

to happen and basically virtually

everything that is bad is directly or

indirectly over the course of time

attributed to sin and attributed to

wickedness and so it’s not my personal

conviction that God sent the coronavirus

to plague the earth to get us to wake up

or to receive

a message having said that I’m equally

convinced that there is an opportunity

to utilize these circumstances to wake

up and to make decisions and to make

changes and to become better people

better societies and a better world if

we choose to take that as a wake up call

Solomon said after the ten plagues and

before today and applicable to all the

times they’re Ecclesiastes chapter one

and verse nine there is nothing new

Under the Sun we’ve had help events

before that were very scary we’ve had

flu events we’ve had the Asian flu we’ve

had surge we’ve had MERS we’ve had Ebola

we’ve had Asian flu and and many many

other things that have impacted our

country or our world and so what we’re

dealing with is not something that is

completely out of the ordinary the fact

that it spreads easily the fact that we

were not prepared with a vaccine because

we did not know about this the fact that

we did not have medications readily

available the fact that we didn’t know a

number of things has certainly made it

frightening but among all of those

things can it be should it be will it be

a wake-up call that has nothing to do

with our physical health and everything

to do with our spiritual health let’s

think about Moses and let’s think about

God’s message to Pharaoh through the

plagues that he sent to Egypt it was the

Providence of God through Joseph

that the Israelites the people from whom

Jesus would come ultimately gained

prominence in Egypt the famine and all

of the things that happened to Joseph


it’s not God’s will that a brother or

brother sell their own brother it’s not

God’s will that that men lie about

someone is not God’s will that

Potiphar’s wife would lie about Joseph’s

integrity it’s not God’s will any of the

things that were negative that happened

to Joseph but Joseph utilized those for

good and God providentially allowed

Joseph to be enhanced by those things to

the point that he could interpret dreams

and that he could indeed become second

in command behind Pharaoh himself he was

able to bring his family back from a

land of poverty or famine and he was

able to reunite them and they grew

together and they became a strong and

and a mighty group of people again

because of God’s providence and because

Joseph by remaining true to God was able

to navigate through these difficult

circumstances but the Pharaoh the

Pharaoh that was so good to Joseph

because Joseph had been so good to him

eventually died the Nexxus chapter 1 and

verse 8 it said there arose a king or a

pharaoh that didn’t know Joseph yet on

the allegiance to Joseph Joseph didn’t

really matter to him and so he saw this

group of Israelites becoming really

strong and powerful and they were very

healthy and and he ultimately went to

the point of having all the baby boys

killed he saw them as a threat he put

put them in bondage he made it hard on

them their lives were difficult they

prayed and asked God they said God would

you help us would you free us and would

you take our oppression away from us and

God ultimately does that he does that

through the plagues but what did God

want to happen what was God’s purpose

for all of the the water turning to

blood and the frogs and the lice and the

hail all of those template’ what was


purpose of that did you just not like

the Egyptians was he just not a fan of

their countrymen you know what God

wanted them see through all this was

there is a God there was an eternal

almighty all-powerful God in Exodus

chapter 5 and verse 1

Moses and Aaron said Pharaoh thus says

the Lord God of Israel let my people go

that they may hold a feast in the

wilderness but Pharaoh said who is the

Lord that I should obey his voice and

that Israel go I do not know the Lord

and moreover I will not let Israel go we

live in that world today where a lot of

people don’t know the Lord a lot of

people don’t acknowledge the Lord a lot

of people see themselves as God and so

God wanted them to know there was a God

God sent the plague so there would be

freedom and deliverance from oppression

in Exodus chapter 3 verses 9 and 10 God

said he heard the cry of the people saw

the oppression that the Egyptians have

pressed some with and told Moses I’ll

send you to Pharaoh that you may bring

my people the children of Israel out of

Egypt we think about the purpose of God

with plagues he had something better in

mind for them next was chapter 3 and

verse 17 I promise that I bring you up

out of the fliction of Egypt to the land

of the Canaanites Hittites a mirage

perizzites hivites and the jebusites a

land flowing with milk and honey not

only did God take them out of a bad

situation but he put them in a better

situation there was a purpose behind the

plagues there was a purpose behind the

plagues to keep the lineage of Jesus

clean and pure and flowing when you look

at the genealogy through the Israelites

and through Joseph and through that

tribe you see God’s purpose and

ultimately bringing Jesus to be born of

a woman Jesus who would live the perfect

life and die upon the cross and we look

back at that and we see the work the

handiwork the hand of God the purpose of

God even in those plagues upon each

we see in that systematic deliverance

through these plagues the death of a

firstborn in Exodus chapter 11 and verse

5 it talks about the fact that the debt

the death of both man and beast the

firstborn would take place and and we

recall how that God instructed the

interlocks if you’ll put the people of

Joseph if you put blood over that man

over that doorpost when the angel pass

is over it’ll see the blood and your

firstborn of man and beast won’t die

we’re reminded the death of God’s Son

we’re reminded of the blood and so as we

think about those things today and as we

think about those plagues and have it it

wasn’t just a random act it certainly

wasn’t an act of hatred it was a plan

that God had for specific intentional

purposes and we wonder we think we

ponder about our country today you think

about how our country began it began in

part because of religious oppression it

certainly began with founding fathers

whose faith was deeply seated in God and

in the Bible

now the theology and the doctrine was

not always correct but the foundation

upon which our country was based was oh

so well layered with God and with the

Bible and with truth and with morality

that’s how we began just like Joseph in

the land of Egypt upon his faith in God

and how that for many many years decades

our country prided itself and we even

have used the phrase and some still

today one nation under God

and while there’s religious freedom here

and while people certainly are at will

at liberty to believe whatever they

choose in whoever they choose

predominantly our nation has been a

nation of God believers believers in the

Almighty the the one of the Bible he who

is alive and yet as we go from the

founding of our country and we fast

forward today we see a vast difference

in principles we see a vast difference

in practice we see a vast difference in

the Allegiance or lack thereof to God

and to his word and to his principles

and to his teachings

you can choose pretty much any arena

that you want to look at maybe we began

at the foundational source of any

country and that’s the home and we see

not only the disruption of the home but

we see the despair of the home today our

country began founded upon biblical type

homes a man and a woman a father and a

mother children and they studied and

they prayed and they worshipped the God

of heaven and they sought to be good

servants of God and good stewards of

what they were blessed with and and good

neighbors to others but the home today

the homefront today many many many homes

today don’t look like what God intended

when he began the home in the Garden of

Eden what he stressed throughout his

word that we call the Bible what homes

looked like in the beginning stages of

our country and when I say homes I’m not

talking about the

physical dwelling the houses I’m talking

about the people we have taken that that

God has made sacred and and it’s been

trampled underfoot marriage is no longer

respected for the most part marrieds no

longer in some cases is even between

God’s design of a man and of a woman

we’ve taken and we’ve killed and we’re

so concerned about people dying with the

coronavirus and we should be we ought to

do what we can do within our power to

save people from contracting the

coronavirus and if they’ve contracted it

we ought to use every medical ability

every medical technique every medical

piece of equipment available we ought to

take that and use it to spare lives and

yet in this country we’ve killed

millions upon millions in the womb that

did not even have an opportunity for

life the life intentionally taken and it

goes without even the blink of an eye

today we think about the morality today

the language the behavior and we see a

far different country from the one that

was founded by our forefathers from the

principles and we ask the question can

the coronavirus become a wake-up call

can it wake us up back to where God

wants us to be we think about the areas

and the things that we need to wake up

to or to wake up in realization of it’s

a great time to realize our human

limitations and how limited we are

without God and how without him who

gives us life and breath and and

everything good we’re sorely missing

those things that

really really matter oh we’re so

advanced technology wise medically we

can go in on normal days and we can do

open-heart surgeries just like they were

taking splinters out of people’s finger

we can go in and do organ transplants

just like you were doing a filling at

the dentist Jim Crow virus has reminded

us we don’t have all the medical answers

matter of fact we can’t even cure the

common cold and for all that we know

there’s so much more where we’re limited

and there is a power that’s higher and

we need to reach out for that power

we’re a minded or hopefully we’re waking

to the fact of their things that are

essential and they’re things that are

not essential the corona virus has taken

away some things from us and when I say

take it away we voluntarily done that

but we’ve learned we can live without

sports we’ve learned we can live without

going to the movies we’ve learned that

we can live without a number of things

that were just a routine part of our

life and hopefully there’s a wake up

call that says we need to focus on what

really matters Solomon said it was this

fear God and keep his Commandments for

this is the whole of man jesus said it

this way seek the kingdom of God first

and His righteousness and all these

things will be added to you we’re waking

up to the fact of the coronavirus how

badly we need a vaccine something that

would prevent this disease from taking

over our bodies and spreading so rapidly

and hopefully we’re waking up to the

fact that we need a vaccine spiritually

that would prevent us from sin and from

the consequences of sin and that vaccine

is the teaching of the word of God

wherein we see what is bad and we self

quarantine ourselves spiritually and we

socially distance ourselves spiritually

from those things that hurt and harm us

in the greatest of ways we see the

coronavirus and hopefully we wake up to

the need for cure Oh would it be

wonderful if we had a cure wouldn’t it

be wonderful if someone could

immediately and and maybe at some point

in time with all of the research they

will find something appeal a vaccine

something that we could take something

that could be injected something that

could be done but we’re really we need

to wake up to the cure for sin and sin

and while the coronaviruses is certainly

very scary and and painful and and at

times deadly fortunately with the corona

virus there’s only a small percentage of

the people that are infected by that

ultimately die now please don’t

misunderstand me that doesn’t minimize

it in any way if it were one person out

of a billion that one person would be as

important as the world but fortunately

it’s a relatively small percentage of

people that die from the corona virus

but within the terminal the fatal rate

is 100 percent unless the blood of Jesus

Christ is applied as a cure can we wake

up can we use it as a wake-up call that

I need the blood of Christ initially in

the waters of baptism to wash away my

sins I need the blood of Christ daily if

we walk in the light as he is in the

light John says we have fellowship one

with another and the blood cleanses us

from all sin even if God’s child I still

sin and I need that blood can I wake up

to the cure for sin then otherwise

becomes fatal 100 percent of the time to

make well again to make whole again what

about the response do we is this should

this be a wake-up call to America to the

world should it be a wake-up call to

dáil should it be a wake-up call to you

to my family to your family home our

response be you see is we have wake-up

calls we have them and

lot of different forms if you go to

hotel you can call the front desk and

you can say give me a wake-up call at 7

o’clock and they’ll ring the phone at 7

o’clock and you could you can pick that

up we have different wake-up calls

sometimes it’s the rooster in the

backyard that reminds us this morning

sometimes it’s an alarm clock sometimes

it’s something on our phone or on our

device or some other method that we may

use to wake us up to get us into reality

to get us into soberness to get us into

consciousness but what will our response

be to the wake-up call to the potential

wake-up call you know when the alarm

clock goes off some just turn it off

roll over and go back to sleep I suspect

and I certainly hope that six months

nine months a year from now the

coronavirus won’t be nearly gathering

the attention that it doesn’t have the

heat of the summer hopefully will kill

much of it will make medical advances

we’re doing other things to try to help

and while it still will have been an

event life and all likelihood will have

going on the only question oftenly will

be has it made us any difference has it

changed us have we allowed this to be a

spiritual wake-up call or will we just

turn the alarm off and roll over and go

back to sleep in life and country and

business just be as usual

sometimes when the alarm goes off people

hit the snooze button I’ll wait a little

bit I think about Acts chapter 24 and

verse 25 when Felix was challenged by

Paul in regard to righteousness

temperance and judgment to come and it

said that Felix trembled he was

terrified he had a opportunity for a

wake-up call to change his life forever

spiritually but he hit the snooze button

he said Paul go your way for this time

when I have a convenient season later on

on the road I’m not getting up right now

I’m not waking up right now I’m not

getting into consciousness right now he

said I might call for ya or there’s the

opportunity when the alarm goes off when

the wake-up call comes to wake up and

get up and get busy

visions chapter 5 and verse 14 therefore

he said awaits leaping ones and rise

from the dead in Christ will give you

life you see it makes a difference what

we choose at this point in time well we

just go through the Cronus virus like

the other eleven health related event

since 1984 and it eventually gets far

smaller and less impactful and and we

don’t need more trillions of dollars

from the government and we just kind of

get back to the point where we say

remember when we were all quarantined

kind of sorta add the corona virus or

will it really changed me will it change

my family will it change the church will

it change our country will it really be

a wake-up call think about the rooster

the rooster that Jesus told Peter about

and we need to listen to that rooster

not that specific rooster but in mark 14

72 when Peter heard the rooster crow

after making some really bold statements

about his loyalty to the Lord and said

Peter remembered what Jesus had told him

and he broke down and he wept rooster

who made a difference the wake-up call

made a difference but he didn’t just

break down and cry Peter then got up and

Peter helped preach that first sermon of

Peter became a faithful servant to the

Lord unto death is this a wake-up call

I don’t know again I wouldn’t argue

about what your belief with God in the

coronavirus is I personally don’t

believe God sent the coronavirus to

plague the United States in the world

what I am convicted of is there

God will allow this event God will allow

these circumstances to wake us up to

challenge us to call us to sober-minded

thinking and to make the changes that we

need to make in our lives and in our

country and in our world and the

coronavirus could turn into one of the

greatest blessings that the world’s ever

known that the words of Joel chapter 2

and verse 13 return you to the Lord your

God for he is gracious and merciful slow

to anger and abounding in steadfast love

return to the Lord your God is this a

wake-up call

you decide

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