While We Are Apart – Dale Hubbert

Generated Transcript:

one of the terms that we are hearing a

lot of and it’s a new term relatively to

me is social distancing with the virus

and with the panic with the fear that

has settled over many places there’s

caution that ought to be advised and one

of the things because the virus is

contagious is the need at times to stay

apart at least until we can get past

this epidemic social distancing and as

children of God that’s not a term that

we necessarily are fond of because we

like to be together one of the things

that the first century church was known

farlis spending time together often on a

daily basis they enjoyed fellowship and

they enjoyed company so it’s so what a

strain for us and this hopefully very

temporary time of social distancing to

maintain our spiritual fellowship and

our spiritual well-being with each other

so I want to think about five things

that I hope will help us while or when

we are apart well then when we are apart

physically there are some ways that

we’re still together and I want to think

about and share with us these things and

hopefully that will encourage you I said

while the social distancing may be an

issue for a little while our spiritual

closeness will maintain and even grow

stronger while we’re apart physically

we’re together number one in heart Acts

chapter four that time that we talked

about for those Christians those early

Christians the church had just

gun and it speaks of them as a large

group and it said the multitude of those

that believed were of one heart and one

soul and they didn’t say that anything

they possessed was their own but they

had all things in common one of the

things that we like to watch on

sonograms is we like to watch the little

heartbeat of a baby and and and to see

that pulse and there see that beat and

have it that we come together as the

church we come together as the people of

God with one heart and as they’re

described in Acts chapter 4 what we have

we may have a piece of paper that shows

the title for it but it ultimately all

belongs to God because we’re stewards

and and we would never withhold from

others that needed it because we have

that one hard mentality in Colossians

chapter 3 in verse 22 there were those

at that time that were slaves and they

were instructed to be obedient to their

masters according to the flesh and all

things not doing things with eyeservice

as men pleasers

but in singleness of heart fearing God

there’s just something special about

being a Christian there’s something

special about being in Christ there’s

something special about being brought

together by the blood of Jesus Christ

with a common decision with a common

commitment and with a common goal and

with a common purpose and with a common

lifestyle and with a common learning

process and it’s as if we together

though different ages different

backgrounds different vocations have a

singular heartbeat together isn’t it

just a little bit interesting that the

Bible so often uses the word

or when it’s not talking about the

physical heart but we think about the

physical heart as being that central

part in our body and that central part

from which everything else flows

generally speaking when the Bible talks

about the heart it’s really talking

about the mind it’s really talking about

our mental comprehension it’s really

talking about those feelings that come

from our mind and those emotion but it

uses so often that word hard and while

we may be apart physically we are

together in hard secondly while we’re

apart physically we’re together in mind

and that was kind of the reference we

made about the heart and how that it

really wasn’t the physical heart in

Philippians chapter 1 in verse 27 the

Apostle says only let your conduct be as

it becomes the gospel of Christ one

translation says your conversation the

way you live he said let it be like the

gospel of Christ he said whether I come

and see you or not I’m absent he said I

can hear what’s going on with you that

you stand fast in one spirit striving

together with one mind for the faith of

the gospel now it would be very easy to

talk about the fact well all of us have

different minds and all of us think

about different things and we’ve all put

different things into our minds but as

Christians there’s there’s a single

focus as Christians there’s a a single

mindset you remember that verse let this

mind flip Ian’s chapter to be in you

which also was he

Christ Jesus so am i striving to have

what are you striving to have I’m

striving to have the mind of Jesus I’m

striving to think like Jesus I’m

striving to think like God and in that

thinking like Jesus I’m thinking about

doing the will of the Father

aren’t you in that combined set that we

have I’m thinking about embracing

righteousness aren’t you I’m thinking

about doing good for others aren’t you

I’m thinking about sharing Jesus the

gospel the good news with others aren’t


I’m thinking about opposing sin and

unrighteousness and that which is

hurtful and harmful both physically and


aren’t you you see that’s the point

isn’t it that our mindset is similar we

love the same things we like the same

things we hate the same things we

disparage the same things

long ago Solomon said these things that

particular passage he said six things

God hates yet seven or an abomination

those are things that we have the same

mind city he talked about the proud look

and the lying tongue hands that shed

innocent blood those that sow discord

among the brother we have a singular

mindset and just because we’re

physically separated for a period of

time we still have we still are of one

mind in first Peter chapter 3 and verse

8 Paul or Peters concluding some

thoughts here and he said finally B of 1

but he said all of you be of one mind

well what kind of mind is that Peter

having compassion on one another loving

the brothers tender-hearted and friendly

that’s our mindset and while we may be

apart physically we’re of one mind in

loving one

having compassion you’re doing things

for other people and helping other

people even through this present

distress through this present difficult

that we’re dealing with we didn’t stop

being tender hard and we have stopped

being friendly

when stops showing care and compassion

to others just because we may not be

within 16 of them so we continue we

continue though we’re a part to have one

month early while we are apart we are

together in unity we’re together in

unity it’s a measure it’s also an area

it’s one of those things that you can

use as a distinguishing mark of the

people of God the fact that that we’re

bound together by unity we’ve talked

about unity of hard and unity of mind

we’re bound together by the unity of the

gospel of doctrine in Ephesians chapter

4 verse 3 after Paul had beseech those

people to walk worthy of the vocation

wherewith their call lola’s mind

considering each other he said

endeavoring to keep the unity of the

Spirit in the bond of peace even though

we bring together sinful people we all

have struggles and battles and sins and

shortcomings and faults and areas where

we need to grow in areas where we

stumble in areas where we can improve we

come together united as sinners saved by

the grace of Jesus Christ by the grace

of God and by the blood of Jesus Christ

and faithful obedience to his will and

we’re United in Christ endeavoring to

keep the unity of the Spirit he goes on

a few words later it’s in verse 13 as we

have the verses divided up to say this

till we all come to the unity of the

faith and the knowledge of the Son of

God took

all grown man to the measure the statue

of the fullness of God notice the

language here together we are coming we

are in the process of the unity of the

faith she also talks about the platform

of unity in Philippians chapter 4 what

one Lord one faith one God went baptism

one body one spirit one God and Father

of all that’s above all and through you

all that unity doesn’t change just

because we may be physically apart just

because we may be physically separated

for some period of time they’ll know

we’re Christians by our love they’ll

know we’re Christians by our unity it

was long before the church ever began

that the words of the psalmist rang true

and rang true today in Psalm 133 and

verse 1 behold how good and how pleasant

it is for brethren to dwell together in

unity you said we can be united even if

we’re not sitting or standing very close

together equally we can be two body we

can be divisive if we can we can be

separated even if we are physically

close but while we’re a part if we’re

truly followers of Jesus Christ we are

united number four even though or while

we’re apart

we’re united in love we use that word a

lot we talk about loving ballgames and

loving vacations and loving food and

loving shopping and all kinds of things

and that’s not necessarily an abuse of

the word it’s just how we use it but

there’s a special love that’s reserved

that’s found in the word and then the

will of God and that love is the love

that God has for us that we have for one

another that we have for the Lost

and that we have to do the will of God

in Ephesians chapter 4 we’ve made

several references

to that chapter its verse 16 that talks

about the body fitting together and

compacted by every joint that supplies

that means every member is important

every member plays bar according to the

effectual working in the measure of each

part producing the growing or the growth

of the body to the edifying of itself in


it’s the glue love is the glue that

brings it all together it’s no wonder

then that in Colossians chapter 3 in

verse 14 you hear these words above oh

they even say the other was bad he

didn’t say this other stuff’s not

important but he says I want you to

really get this point above all these

things he’s been talking about some good

things but he said above all these

things put on love which is the bond to


it’s the glue it’s the cement

it’s that that ultimately brings us

together it holds us together it

motivates us to forgive each other when

we do harm to each other or sin against

each other it helps us when we’re

unworthy to bring together our

unworthiness before God to find his love

and his compassion and then to seek to

have that among others even though or

when we may be apart we’re together love

and then finally even though we may be

apart or while we’re apart we’re

together in purpose just because we’re

separated just because we may not be in

the same room we’re in the same building

we haven’t lost our purpose what is our

purpose well you may be thinking about a

passage like the one in the Old

Testament where Solomon said you’re the

conclusion the whole matter fear God and

keep his commands for this is the hole

of man our purpose to fear God and keep

his Commandments where did I come from

why am I here where am I going what’s my

purpose in life Barnabas is one of my

favorite care

because he was a great encourage and in

Acts chapter 11 and verse 23 who was

glad when he had come and seen the grace

of God and he encouraged with all

purpose of heart to remain near to the

Lord see what’s that thing called

purpose purpose is intention purposes

what we’re trying to do purpose is not

just accidental purpose has not come

what mad purpose is not reactional

purpose is intentional I realize that is

a part of our purpose we can react

positively to other things but purpose

means doing it on purpose I’ve got a

reason I’ve got a motive and we remain

together in purpose business chapter 3

talks about the fact that the church was

in the eternal purpose of God that he

purposed in Jesus Christ our Lord the

church was an accident

I realize here some that teach some

things today that are not true about the

coming of Jesus and try to try to make

that Jesus setting up the church was

just kind of a spare tire because he was

surprised than rejected by the Jews I

think could be further from the truth

the church was in the eternal purpose

and plan of God we’re a part of that

church we in God’s plan we in God’s

purpose and so while we may be a part

we’re together purpose I hope that the

times that we are separated will be few

and far between I hope that they’re able

to find some things that will cure the

virus or help with a virus just because

we’re a partner why are we apart when we

are we are part we’re still together

we’re still together in heart and in

mind and in unity and in love and in

purpose let’s pray together our God our

Father and as times transpire and

conditions and situations occur we may

not be together as often as we would

like to be but we’re thankful that we

can be together in your love and in your

heart and then your purpose and your

in unity bless us to do good in Jesus

name Amen